There are many games I like to play, I like board games, Sports, video games and many more like card games. I play board games usually on a weekend or a weeknight when I am bored. I like video games, but I rarely play because I have 4 brothers and we can only play on holiday breaks. I really like to play card games, my family plays on Sunday nights and sometimes when we go out to eat.
            Sports are my favorite game to play because I spend a lot of time outside playing sports rather just for fun. Or out of school. Right now I am playing baseball. Baseball is my favorite sport because it is very fun to play. Some people say it is boring but to me it is the most amusing sport I could play. Plus, it is America's passtime.
            I think it is good to stop eating junk food so much. I've noticed the childhood obesity rate has gone up in the past few generations. I have also seen a seven hundred pound guy. I didn't even think that was possible. The way to solve this problem is to say no to junk food.
            Eating out at a fast food restaurant maybe one or two times a week isn't that bad, but if you are on a healthy diet, that is good. People who have a problem with eating have to get help, because it is like an addiction (according to wikipedia) also you shouldn't eat too much if you are pregnant, because that will form unhealthy eating problems for the kid.
            Today I had an algebra quiz, like every friday, but today I didn't understand what to do at all and I probably failed it. But I get to retake it in the morning if I fail. So I will not be that mad if I fail. I've failed many times before, because if you miss a problem you fail. I don't like that format of grading, but it's whatever the teacher says.
             For the rest of the school day, I don't really have anything important going on. But after school I have baseball practice, and I have to finish projects. I will try to do ia all on saturday, but I know I probably won't also st. Patrick's Day is coming up. But I am looking forward to Easter more.
            The Black Death was an epidemic that started from China. The rats had the disease at first, but then fleas went and bit them. So the fleas carried it to the Middle East. and the fleas bit the people there. After that, the fleas went to Europe, and the same thing happened. There was no cure at the time, but they thought bloodletting was the answer. It wasn't.
            It was a sick disease to have, and it looked disgusting too. If I lived back there I would've ran for my life. But the people back then weren't that smart so they just let the victims of this terrible disease die. The
            I think texting IS changing the environment. People are starting to use abbrevations for everything. Plus some people even use it while talking. People use abbreviations for be right back brb, and got to go in gtg. It is easy to text, but if you do it too much you will start to develope bad habits, and fail your english classes.
            Another reason to stop doing this is that people will start thinking it is normal so they will text everyone that way and maybe even write their english essays in text. Some teachers
            Social Media sites should not be used for school. There are many reasons why. One of them is this will give an excuse for kids to chat with friends instead of doing homework. Some parents won't know because kids will say there on the school site. Once again Social Media sites onlinesuch as Facebook and Twitter shouldn't be used for school. We are already getting along fine, so if it isn't broke don't fix it.
            Sure You could say that kids will know events coming up, but we have a morning broadcast, So everyone at school should know what is coming up, and if they don't know, they aren't listening. Even if they are absent, you will get a call home for what is happening. So having Social Media sites for schools shouldn't be needed.
            Today I had an Algebra test, I think I did good, but I didn't do good in my homework, so I am hoping to get a good score on the test. For once, today I don't have a Science test. I am happy for that, but I have an SVG test. Other than that, today will be a good day.
            After school, there is a party that I can't go to, and I have baseball practice on Saturday. I found out today that I have a shin splint, I put sports tape on it so now I can't feel it, and it doesn't hurt at all anymore. I am looking forward to this weekend
            Just like Bear influenced Crispin to learn how to juggle and how to survive in the wild. My dad influenced me that what ever I put my mind into I could do it. He played soccer, and I play basketball and baseball. I really like those sports, but I don't play enough of it, so I am trying to find a place to train, it is fun, and it would be good exercise.
             Many other things also influence me to do things. I love when people tell me I'm not good enough, because that drives me to practice on my own and to